New Thought Movement UK

"It is time for change and change begins with you"

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Book of Quotes

This BOOK OF QUOTES 3 book series is my demonstration of a thought expert accessing thought from my subconscious and super conscious mind with impunity.
What if you woke up one day and realized you had the answer to all the problems facing humanity? Well, that’s what happened to me. One day I woke up and realised that we are all connected to all thought in the universe. On that day, the chains fell off, my mind was unleashed, and I remembered everything that we forget, upon taking our first breath. We can choose to believe it, accept it, proclaim it to the world, and demonstrate it in who we are, and who we chose to become.

This BOOK OF QUOTES 3 book series is my demonstration of a thought expert accessing thought from my subconscious and super conscious mind with impunity.

This compilation of 999 (333 X3) original new thought quotes:

✅ will be your daily guide,
✅ will hold you up when you stumble,
✅ will lift you up when you fall,
✅ will motivate you when you become discouraged,
✅ will inspire you when inspiration fails, and
✅will cultivate and attitude of gratitude within you.

This has been a very long journey, which began eight years ago and culminated in another gift to the world of 999 (333 X 3) new thought, original quotations by yours’s truly, Thought Expert, Joyce Louison.

These quotes have been compiled into 3 beautiful books
Book of Quotes – 333 Gratitude Quotes
Book of Quotes – 333 Motivational Quotes
Book of Quotes – 333 Spiritual Quotes
Each containing 333 quotes and 111 original photographs of various aspects of nature for countries around the world, by Joyce Louison.

This 3-book series BOOK of Quotes is finally out and available for purchase on all Amazon online stores.

Book of Quotes – 333 Gratitude Quotes will cultivate an attitude of gratitude within you since gratitude is an emotion that pays for itself and is the highest form of prayer.


Book of Quotes – 333 Motivational Quotes will encourage you when you feel discouraged and motivate you to be bigger and better.


Book of Quotes – 333 Spiritual Quotes will inspire you when inspiration fails you and it will help you raise your level of consciousness.


#bookofquotes #powerofthought #newthoughtmovementuk #warrioroflight #ThoughtExpert #JoyceLouison #Thought #Thinking #Mind #Spirituality #Enlightenment #Healing #Motivation #Gratitude

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Thank God for the Coronavirus

When we wake up and realize that everything which happens in our lives and in our world is a direct result of what we are thinking, we find that we can give thanks for every event and be grateful for every situation. Because it is in acknowledging that we have done this, we have created this, we have brought this “thing” into reality, we can begin to change it, think differently, and create a new solution.
When as a people we decide to accept the things that we do not choose, the situations that we do not desire, the thoughts and ideas propagated upon us, which are not for our benefit, we choose to make this our reality.
When we decide to wear a face mask, because we fear the air we breathe in, will kill us, we create that reality.
When we decide to sit back, to lay down and die, to accept the fate that has been propagated upon us, to say that our environment is changing, not because of who we are and what we believe but because of what someone else is doing, we disempower ourselves to create change.
Maybe the coronavirus has given us a chance, to demonstrate who we are as human beings.
Maybe it has given us a chance to say that we do not accept our fate, we do not accept that our environment is irreparably damaged and calmly walk, mask on, towards the end.
Maybe it is a chance to use the power within use to change things. That instead of saying, this a by-product of industrialisation and profiteering, we can individually take responsibility for our environment.
Thanks to the coronavirus, the streets of Wuhan and Shanghai are empty, the industrialisation is on a pause, the air, can repair itself. The people can make a new decision and de-mask. Rather than giving in to so-called fate, they can create a new fate {From All Thoughts Everywhere}.

Chinesse people wearing mask

When we decide to wear a face mask, because we fear the air we breathe in, will kill us, we create that reality.

And that new fate begins with creating these New Thoughts:                                                    1. God is everything and everything is God. Therefore, the air that we breathe is God and God is self-sustaining and renewable.
2. God cannot be damaged by anyone or anything, neither can God harm anyone who does not choose to be.
3. The atmosphere has renewed itself. (what man refused to do; God has done).
4. The air in China, Korea, and other Asian countries is good. It is good to breathe in and it is good to breathe out.
5. It is not the responsibility of the government to protect the environment, but the responsibility of us, the people, to change how we think and improve our environment.
6. The climate is forever changing for the better. It is not something to fight but something to embrace.
7. We do not fear death, so we can unmask, and actually live.

It is pointless to try to fight something, that we are creating, we are contradicting ourselves. It is counterproductive to focus on the problem, instead of creating a solution. {}

Rather than equipping everyone with a mask, we should start a petition for the people of China, Korea, and other Asian countries to remove their masks and begin to examine the way they are thinking.

Joyce | New Thought Movement UK