New Thought Movement UK

"It is time for change and change begins with you"

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Affirmations For Enlightenment

Affirmations For Enlightenment: The Book of Affirmations by Joyce Louison is now available on Amazon!

For too long we have lived with the thought that the human being is small, limited, an insignificant being, subjected to fate. For too long we have lived with the thought that some humans are of lesser importance, of a sub category, collateral damage to be disposed of, lacking influence, power, or even a reason for existing.

Well no more! It is time for change and change begins with you!

It is time to accept that you are boundless, you are limitless, that you possess the homogeneous power of the creator of this whole universe within you.

Affirmations For Enlightenment: The Book of Affirmations by Joyce Louison

The book of affirmations contains over 200 affirmations to help you expand your consciousness.

Affirmations to help you stop edging God out (release the EGO.

Affirmations to help you let go of control, fear, and religious beliefs.

Affirmations to help you heal the emotional and physical body, and heal childhood trauma.

Affirmations to help you activate and balance your seven chakras.

The book of affirmations will help you awaken the divine power within you, and speed you on your journey to enlightenment, as you get to know who you really are, eliminate fear from your life, and become a self-realised being.

Get your copy now on or or go to my Amazon Autor’s Page to purchase

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The Secret to Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

Have you ever wondered why you are here? Why did you come to this Planet? Or What are you here to achieve?

Very few people are born knowing their exact reason for coming to the planet. Even fewer remember this reason throughout their lives and work towards its fulfilment. Most people must discover the purpose of their lives. 

There are three ways you can discover the purpose of your life. One way is through meditation, contemplation, and introspection.

Asking yourself these three questions before mediation will help you discover the purpose of your life.

  1. What do I truly desire out of life?

Many people have never given thought to what they truly desire out of life, because they believe these things are unattainable.

Watch this video to find out the other ways you can discover the purpose of your life.

The Secret to Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

2. What are unique skills and talents? What are the things that make me stand out from others? If you have come to earth to create something, you will come with the skills preprogramed in your mind. Guaranteed.

3. What would I be doing if I had all the time in the world, all the money I needed, and all the power to create or do that thing? What is the thing, that when I do it, I am happy, and time ceases to exist?

Many time we let Thoughts of constraint stop us from discovering and achieving the purpose of our life. But when you decide to move, the universe provides all that you need.

3 questions to help you discover the purpose of your life.

If you are a man reading this post, please share this information with your mother, wife, partner, sister, daughter, female family, or friend who may benefit from it. Or use it yourself. In all of us exist the yin and yan, the male and the female.

Learning how to discover your life’s purpose will empower both women and men, with new wisdom and knowledge about thought.

This information has been shared on my social media pages to make to reach more people and to make it easier for you to share your questions and opinions.

Follow one of these links to your favourite social media to view and comment on this.





Thank you so much and looking forward to communicating with you next time.

Thought Expert

Joyce Louison

New Thought Movement UK

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How does the THOUGHT Process Work for WOMEN?

Ever wondered why some people can attract abundant wealth & success into their lives, while other struggle to survive?

Well it’s just a matter of perfecting this 3 STEP PROCESS!

Imagine, Visualise, Meditate.

Step 1. Imagine: Imagine out what you truly desire out of your life, imagine who and what you wish to become, and imagine what you wish to achieve or create.

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it!

Step 2. Visualize: Visualize yourself having achieved your dreams, goals, and desires. Where would you live, what would you wear, what would you eat, how would you react to others, etc.

If you can feel it, the mind will quicker believe it!

Step 3. Meditate: Meditate daily to harness the instructions and formulars from your mind.

If you see the end destination, the universe if create the way and the means, to get there!

Try this 3 STEPS PROCESS and see the phenomenal results you will get in your life!

If you are interested in learning more about the thought process works for women, check out this video. Watch the full video on YouTube.

By Thought Expert, Joyce Louison of New Thought Movement UK @newthoughtmovementuk